Monday, December 12, 2011

Beach Solitaire

This was my most favorite part of the trip, 

And why I loved Portugal so much.

These photos are all taken in Porto Covo. I rolled into town with a friend from Lisbon and we talked to some guys sitting in front of a cafe.

They were surfers from the area and an older hippie guy among them, Bruno, said we could stay at his place for as long as we liked. He lived with his lady friend Ruth and her dog who just had a 2 day old litter of puppies.

My friend left after a couple days but I couldn't get enough.

Camping in a bamboo patch right next to the beach.....

Every morning I'd wake up and go down to the beach.
No one there but me, take a dip in the water then lay in the sun til I dried off.  I'm always going to remember this place...

with Buddha <3

The main drag in Porto Covo at sunrise. I came during the off season so the town was particularly slow paced.
One time I asked Bruno why all the buildings were painted in this pattern of blue and white. He said that it represented the fact that someday the sea will reclaim it all....

Fishing with Bruno

Ruth playing the guitar at sunset

Every place had its respective virtues and drawbacks...but the peace and solitude this place afforded was priceless to me. If I had the company of close friends or a lover I may have never left.

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